SELECT s.fullname,,s.designation,s.affliation,s.image,s.short_resume,s.rank,b.title as type_title,s.specialization FROM staff s,board_type b WHERE s.board_type_id= AND ATBU SPESSECE

Staff Detail

Dr. Abdullahi Nafiu Zadawa

Specialization Building Construction Procurement Management Affiliation Faculty of Environmental Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Role Deputy Center Leader Social

About me

Dr. Abdullahi Nafiu Zadawa is a Lecturer in Quantity Surveying Department, Faculty of Environmental Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU) Bauchi, Nigeria. He holds PhD and MSc in Project Management from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), B.Tech in Quantity Surveying from ATBU Bauchi Nigeria.
Dr. Abdullahi is a distinguished academic scholar and expert in the theory and practices of building construction procurement management. He has been deeply involved in teaching, research, and practices for more than 10 ten years. His contributions in the areas of research focused on developing a guiding framework and models for the practices of construction procurement management. His major research interests are public procurement management, cost performance of construction projects, sustainable procurement practice, sustainable constriction and environmental management and innovative procurement approaches such as partnership procurement management (PPM) and private finance initiative (PFI). He has published over 30 articles in reputable academic journals and has attended many internal and local conferences.

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