SELECT s.fullname,,s.designation,s.affliation,s.image,s.short_resume,s.rank,b.title as type_title,s.specialization FROM staff s,board_type b WHERE s.board_type_id= AND ATBU SPESSECE

Our Research

Know about researches

We are providing enabling environment for world-class research.

About our research policy

The Centre will also focus on research activities that would resolve policy, legal, regulatory and institutional challenges that constitute a barrier to procurement, environmental and social standards in Nigeria. The Centre shall also develop context-specific educational tools for dissemination of knowledge and skills in procurement, environmental and social standards.

Research Evaluation

Evaluation and recommendation of research proposals.

Research Projects

Securing and managing funds to support approved research projects.


Monitoring and evaluation of implementation of research projects.

Research Quality

Preparing and implementing research quality assurance mechanism.

supporting collaborative research
high end tools for research
research in procurement, environmental and social issues
bringing you outstanding research

research with international appeal.

Research Activities

Find out our research activities

Environment Impact Assessment

Our students at SPESSECE currently on EIA across the campus.

Course on going — Apply now