SELECT s.fullname,,s.designation,s.affliation,s.image,s.short_resume,s.rank,b.title as type_title,s.specialization FROM staff s,board_type b WHERE s.board_type_id= AND
The Federal Government of Nigeria, In partnership with the World Bank, has embarked on a cross-cutting professionalizatlon project in the fields of Procurement, Environmental and Social Standards (PES). The project has established Centres of Excellence In six competitively selected Federal Universities, including Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU), Bauchi. The six Centres of Excellence (CoE) are to design and roll-out five different professlonalizatlon tracks in each of the PES fields Including, Short Courses (Track A), Advanced Certificates (Track B), Postgraduate Diploma (Track C), Bachelor's (Track E), and Master's Degree (Track D)..